- Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent
- Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County
- Amherstburg Community Services
- Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (Lambton-Kent)
- Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (Windsor-Essex)
- Bana
- Banwell Gardens
- Brentwood Recovery Home
- Centre de santé communautaire Windsor Essex
- Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel
- Chatham-Kent Health Alliance
- Chatham-Kent Hospice
- Chatham Kent Community Health Centres
- Country Village Health Care Centre
- Essex Community Services
- Family Services Windsor Essex
- Hospice of Windsor and Essex County lnc
- House of Sophrosyne
- Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
- Leamington District Memorial Hospital
- New beginning ABI and Stroke Recovery Association (Chatham-Kent)
- Ontario March of Dimes, Chatham
- Services à la famille Kent
- Services pour les enfants de Chatham Kent
- Société Canadienne de l’ouïe, Windsor
- Soins à domicile et en milieu communautaire Érié St. Calir
- Tilbury Manor Nursing Home
- Victorian Order of Nurses Canada – Ontario Branch, Erie St. Clair District
- Westover Treatment Centre
- Windsor Regional Hospital